I am a field geologist, clastic sedimentary geologist, and U-Pb geochronologist. My students, collaborators and I study detrital sediments, their sources, and associated rocks to understand the Earth system. We aspire to

Observing the Earth
GEOL 201 is a field-based introductory course designed to prepare majors, minors, and adjacent students with a foundation for success in the geosciences.

Field Geology
GEOL 500 is the capstone course for the Geological Sciences major and is taught in the American West each summer.

Stratigraphy & Sedimentary Basins
GEOL 325 is a class-, lab-, and field-based course focused on sedimentary rocks, stratigraphic architecture, and their applications to geologic problems of significance.

Regional Tectonics
GEOL 735 is a graduate course for geoscientists of all disciplines who want to gain experience in the use of tools of regional tectonics analysis.